The Constance Murray Piano Festival
The Constance Murray Piano Festival will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2020 in the Swope Music Building at West Chester University, 817 S. High Street, West Chester, PA 19383.
ALL students in grades K– 12 and adults are encouraged to participate. This festival provides a wonderful opportunity for all students to perform for adjudication. Please call or email Ping Wang with any questions about entering your students. Teachers must have paid National, State, and Local dues by November 1, 2019 in order to participate. Teachers are expected to arrange their schedules to help monitor on Festival Day.
ALL students in grades K– 12 and adults are encouraged to participate. This festival provides a wonderful opportunity for all students to perform for adjudication. Please call or email Ping Wang with any questions about entering your students. Teachers must have paid National, State, and Local dues by November 1, 2019 in order to participate. Teachers are expected to arrange their schedules to help monitor on Festival Day.
Guidelines for Enrollment
- Repertoire - Each student is to play two CONTRASTING pieces from memory. Students in grades 9-12 can play one memorized piece and one with music if necessary. Intermediate level compositions may be from the same time period if they are contrasting in style. Two pieces by the same composer is strongly discouraged; however, a fast and a slow movement of a sonata or sonatina is acceptable. Taking da capos is fine but avoid repeats. Given time constraints no concerto movements will be accepted.
- Length of Pieces - Time the length of each piece exactly in minutes and seconds. There is no need to add them together.
- Time Constraints - AM and PM time requests are given only if absolutely necessary. Please ask students BEFORE sending in applications about times that are impossible. Time requests are to be used only for specific conflicts, NOT for preference and convenience.
- Fee - A non-refundable entry fee of $20.00 is required for each student. Payment is made online when you register.
- Registration - Online registration is now required! Teachers can register students on this website by going to Festival Registration under the Members Only tab. Please email Ping Wang, if you have questions. The online registration is open from January 28 to February 22. Teachers will receive their schedule, monitor assignment, and student information sheet by e-mail.
- Teachers - Please arrange your schedule so that you are available to help on Festival Day.
- Schedule - Once you have received your schedule, please give it to your student as soon as possible. Make sure they know their time and judge number. Please report all cancellations immediately. This makes it possible to reschedule other students.
- Deadline - February 22, after which date NO CHANGES WILL BE MADE.
Guidelines for Festival Day
- Arrival - Students should arrive 10 – 15 minutes ahead of time and check in with the front door monitor for their room number. To reduce congestion and noise, students should be accompanied by only one adult if possible. Practice rooms will be available.
- Please be sure students have an original copy of their music. Students with no music or with photo-copied music may be DISQUALIFIED at the judge's discretion. No arrangements.
- Auditions are private between student and judge only.
- At the end of the festival day, teachers must pick up their ribbons and certificates on the day of the festival, or arrange for someone else to do it.
- The decision of the judge is final.
- Please do not enter the tabulating room, to avoid confusion, error, and congestion.
Ratings: Superior, Excellent, Very Good, and Honorable Mention ribbons will be awarded.
- SUPERIOR - A performance which is very musical and technically controlled.
- EXCELLENT - A performance which is mostly in control and reaches an acceptable standard of excellence.
- VERY GOOD - A performance which shows some commendable aspects but needs more work to achieve a convincing performance.
- HONORABLE MENTION - An inadequate performance.